
单价 1099.00 / 平方米对比
询价 暂无
浏览 152
发货 广东佛山市预售,付款后15天内
库存 9999平方米起订1平方米
品牌 伟煌业不锈钢高端定制
过期 2018-01-28 已过期
更新 2016-12-02 12:00


Stainless steel products co., LTD., foshan city, wei achieves industry custom stainless steel and other metal products of excellent service. Focus on all kinds of villa, hotel and entertainment segment market, guangzhou, shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai, fujian, dalian, chengdu and other major cities have our engineering. Company from establish up to now, have developed to launch many new wine, wine cabinets, the high-quality goods design titanium laser screen partition, various special goods such as shape. Screen customized power plant. Five-star hotel with the era development, Shanghai stainless steel hollow out screen as a kind of excellent decorative effect and excellent performance of the doors and Windows material, stand out in so many doors and Windows material, become a modern household decorates the key USES objects, stainless steel screen is now the most popular luxury home decoration and decoration of choice for all kinds of luxurious places, stainless steel screen not only can do the classical household adornment style effect, also can do the modern fashionable breath feeling strong.
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